2025 MS Doubles - Triples Information
The doubles and triples CDL endorsement grants the ability to drive a combination of multiple trailers attached to one truck or power unit. Please keep in mind it is illegal to pull triple trailers in many states. Normal doubles and triple jobs can include UPS, Fedex, and more.
We have compiled 60 of the most used doubles and triples endorsement questions, and our questions are based on the information provided by the 2025 Mississippi CDL drivers’ manual. The exam itself will have 20 multiple choice questions on it, and you must score at least 80% (16 out of 20) to pass the doubles and triples exam.
Our CDL Practice tests are based on the real exam, one question per page, multiple choice answers, and one chance to get it right. However, our practice tests will provide immediate feedback, showing the question again, highlighting the correct answer, and giving a brief explanation why that answer is correct.